how to say how are you in arabic
how are you in arabic, how to say how are you in arabic
how are you in arabic, How do you say how are you in arabic?
Howtosayinarabic ( How to say in arabic ) till how to say, pronounce, speak or talk ( how are you ) or any other word or sentence in arabic language.
( How to say on arabic )
How do you say how are you in arabic language?
HOW DO I SPELL how are you IN ARABIC language?
say how are you in arabic !
you can say how are you in arabic as: Keef Halak, Keef Halek(for femal)
the above is common speak of "How are you", and it mean "how your status is?" and is = "How are you".
but the real "how are you?"= "Keef Anta", "Keef Ante?" (for femal).
the answer will be " i am fine. or i am good" = "Ana bee kheer or Ana bee khair".