how to say how are you in arabic
how are you in arabic , how to say how are you in arabic
how are you in arabic , How do you say how are you in arabic ?
Howtosayinarabic ( How to say in arabic ) till how to say, pronounce, speak or talk ( how are you ) or any other word or sentence in arabic language.
( How to say on arabic )
How do you say how are you in arabic language?
HOW DO I SPELL how are you in arabic language?
say how are you in arabic !
you can say how are you in arabic as: Keef Halak, Keef Halek(for femal)
the above is common speak of "How are you", and it mean "how your status is?" and is = "How are you".
but the real "how are you?"= "Keef Anta", "Keef Ante?" (for femal).
the answer will be " i am fine. or i am good" = "Ana bee kheer or Ana bee khair".